What have the Pinoy MD Bloggers been up to this Christmas?
Abner almost didn't "Realize it's Christmas" maybe because right now it is summer down under in New South Wales.
Brian takes time off from all his toxic residency duties to be a "bum" even for just a day, before he goes on Christmas day duty at the ER. A fine bum he makes, as he remembers Christmases past, mulls on Christmas present and dreams of his perfect future Christmas which he hopes will not be "Scroogey".
Clairebear, also down under, in Perth, Australia, experiences Christmas away from home, away from loved ones and away from everything familiar for the first time in her young life. She surrounds herself with comfort foods like Mang Tomas lechon sauce and Lucky Me pancit canton in "Christmas out of the Box".
Em Dy explores the many creative ways of Exchanging Gifts during Christmas. There's drawing lots, Monito-Monita, Kris Kringle and a few more... but Doc Em reminds us that the best gift of all is the giving of one's self.
Before Gaya gives a book review on The Shack by William P. Young, she writes an emphatic letter to someone, a move that will probably change her life dramatically in the very near future as she " was Caught in a Whirlwind of My Own Making."
Lei Si, as the last romantic standing, fell deeply when as a clerk she volunteered to go on Christmas eve duty hoping to recapture the magic of assisting in the birth of a modern baby boy, if only to get a feel of what it must have been like 2000 years ago when a virgin birth was unassisted by medical or paramedical personnel but was instead attended by kings from the east and shepherds from nearby hillocks. So, did she find "Romance on a Christmas Eve"?
When Louell decided to join the annual toy giving mission, his motives were less than noble. That is, until he met Rachel, a little girl afflicted with cancer of the blood. His heart and his mind were bowled over and he comes into an epiphany on the meaning of Christmas, as if he had been touched by "Angels."
With as much passion and attention as Manggy puts into his food creations today, as a child he longed for this one toy with all his heart. Years on end he wrote to Santa for this precious and pricey toy and was sorely disappointed when Christmas came and the gift fell short of his expectations. Find out the startling realization that dawned on him when he did not get the Toy Houses he wanted so badly.
Kitty Mama is one lucky mama for having lovable kids and a loving husband like A who showers her with her favorite things and "brings me the world in his hands." See what A got for his wife as an Early Christmas gift.
Rheiboy is a young dad (so young looking that he is still being asked to show his ID everytime he enters R18 movies) whose Christmas revolves around his huggable/pinchable family: wife Marie and kids Yuan and Kyan.
Sonia, the tale-telling easy-rider, is ever busy with hospital work but she found time to appreciate the Tree Lights on display at the Rizal Boulevard in Dumaguete.
Tes, aka d labandera, together with her loyal and reliable drayber, relates their Colon Christmas esCapades in Cebu as they searched for gifts for the multitudes. Their finds: imitation flipflops, imitation DVDs, one great movie, Ploning, which is "not your ordinary i-am-indie-movie-i-dont-care-what-you-think-this-is-my-movie-gadam-yu-mader-paker " and one common fruit that they all love, "Tungod ug Alang sa Lychee in Cans."
And saving the best for last, guess who owns this love story?

Malipayong Pasko kaninyong tanan!
Doc Tes'! I saw it in her Multiply account.
Merry Christmas Doc. Sorry, I don't have an entry because nothing comes out! I swear I've been sitting in front of the screen for half an hour yesterday and nothing. Argh!
igo jud ko dah! hehehehe! salamat sa plugging! lingaw kaayo akong drayber, pwerteng ngisi. happy new year!
kang doc tes diay to! :-D
Tsk tsk...me the surgeon late again...tsk tsk...missed the rounds...
Great rounds ness!
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