With one week to go before our reunion begins, I'm kinda breathless. Chona and I have been walking in the rain (gapa-ulan) for several days now, canvassing/checking out/making sure everything about our reunion will be silky and smooth. And our "boss", Abe, is forever on the phone, texting or calling, following up this and that. Other classmates here are doing their respective assignments as well (program, transpo, venues, catering, reservations, dance number, a half dozen more etceteras).
The red tshirts are being printed already, even as I type here. The other (surprise!) giveaways

A classmate suggested that it would be nice if our reunion had a theme, which would be reflected in the banner, so we brainstormed for a possible theme.
Here are the suggestions:
1. 30, and Going Stronger
2. Still Solid After 30 Years
3. Proud to be 30. Why not?
4. Grateful to SU High
5. We're back after 30 years!
6. Thank God... it's 30
7. 30 years...What a Feeling :-)!!! (remember the Alice Dixon shampoo commercial during the late 70's, the one where she rotates her shoulder then shakes her head, a move that became very popular during our high school days?)
8. Stronger & Better After 30 Years
9. We’re back! And coming back after another 30 years
10. Looking back and moving ahead at 30
11. Still HOT after 30 years (the HOT spelled out using siling labuyo images) And as a partner to this banner, red tshirts with the words "Rated XXX" (symbolizing 30 years) at the back. Plus, little banners carried by some classmates that would say "HOT flushes??" and other bannerrettes saying "Prove it!"
12. Bumebenta pa rin sa Trenta (bisag opaw na) (meaning kahit na kalbo na)
13. Proud at 30. Of course!
14. Thank God, we're 30!
15. At 30, Standing Proud, Strong, Solid...
16. Big Banner: Still HOT after 30 years (siling labuyo images to spell out HOT) Boys' bannerettes: Still Solid After 30 years ; Girls' bannerettes: What a feeling!!
Numbers 11 and 16 are quite popular because of their naughtiness. My initial reaction was, ahh, maybe not… ma censored ta. Too much sexual innuendoes. They’re trying to convince me that it’ll be good for laughs and to stop being so serious. As Mitch said, this will be the first and last time that we'll be 30 (Triple X), next time it'll be our 35th. Major protest here from the girls, regarding the 'hot flushes', "Hey, we're not yet menopausal, pleeeaasse!" Heheheh.
So I don't know... you see my quandary here? Help!
Recommended lines:
Then & Now
Hope any of these lines work.
all the words for your LOGO kay nindot tanan....
akoa.........number 1 or 2....
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