Friday, January 1, 2010

hand, full of flowers

This new morning of this new year of this new decade, I find my hands full. Of flowers. From our yard. From the the manicurista who painstakingly drew tiny white petals with a pink center dot on each and every nail of my middle-aged hands.

Such delicate skill. Such intricate artistry, from the human and the heavenly. Such is the mystery of the precious moments we hold in the palms of our hands.


Vk-mahalkaayo said...

Hello Dr. Mils,

We wish you a blessed new year,2010.

God bless

kanindot sa designed sa imo manicure.
ang bulak sab.....nice the shot,too.

Happy New Year!

ness said...

happy new year, vicky!

God bless you and your family.

docemdy said...

Happy new year Ness!

ness said...

Same to you, Doc Em Dy!

Vk-mahalkaayo said...

Thank you very much, dr. ness.

MerryCherry said...

Pretty! Happy 2010 Doc!