Saturday, April 19, 2008

the habal-habal

The habal-habal is a mode of transportation that is typical of Filipino ingenuity (and derring-do). A habal-habal is a motorcycle that has been ‘modified’ so that it can seat the driver and three to four, even up to eight or more passengers (depending on their sizes) including their luggage. ‘Modified’ means some of its parts have been changed or reinforced to enable the vehicle, which was designed to seat two persons including the driver, to accommodate an incredibly increased number of passengers and go up and down the winding, rocky, mountain roads or trails to boot. Hard to believe?

Look, see:

This one I counted several times: FIVE passengers and a driver!

(from DCMI advovates for a sustainable future)

motorcycle taxi

(from the Pagadian News and More)

The habal-habal has been dubbed as the poor man's motorcycle taxi. To accomodate more than five passengers, the habal-habal will sprout "wings" which are planks of wood that protrude on either sides of the motorcycle. On these wooden planks, passengers ride standing up or sitting down, whatever they fancy. Habal-habal with wings is also called 'Skylab' because it somewhat resembles the space station in configuration.

Skylab (from Paul in Cebu)

Here is how Paul describes the "Skylab. "

Another way to travel in the provinces, is by "Skylab". Skylab is a habal-habal with two cross bucks behind the driver, allowing his passengers to, quite literally, hang their feet over the highway as he rides down the road on the motorcycle. It's truly amazing to watch the drivers of Skylab habal-habals, never losing their balance, passengers or cargo. What's more amazing is, to see how long these motorcycles last, taking this sort of abuse, day in and day out, for years and years.

And here are some tips on how to survive a habal-habal trip.

So why am I suddenly so interested in habal-habals? It's because for the first time in my life, I rode on one yesterday! More on that tomorrow.

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