Monday, April 28, 2008

the ironman

The movie Iron Man starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow has premiered in London and will be released in America this week. And today, Monday in the Philippines and Sunday in America, in a totally unrelated event, 5,000 other Ironmen will ride their bikes in Lakeville, Minnesota for the Minnesota Ironman® Bike Ride 2008. And my cousin, Jeff, son of Auntie Gloria and Uncle Em, is joining the 100 mile bike ride!

Why is it dubbed the Ironman® ride? Because the ride is always held on the last Sunday of April, irregardless of the weather.

And how was the weather when Jeff joined the ride 3 years ago? "It was horrible!" my triathlete cousin said. "Extremely heavy wind gusts. I was with a bunch of friends, and it was miserable: we rode as close as possible in single file so we could 'draft.' Even so, we probably went eight miles an hour instead of the 20 you'd hope for. It was like going uphill all the time. Some years are cold and rainy, but this was something else."

That's why the Ironman bike ride motto is aptly “There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. Dress appropriately.”

This non-competitive April Ironman bike ride is not to be confused with the much harder Ironman Triathlon which entails swimming, biking and running. The triathlon is hosted in 20 cities throughout the world and cousin Jeff will be joining THAT in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho in June this year!

Top athletes during the different Ironman Triathlon events throughout the world will qualify for the Ford Ironman Triathlon Championship in Kona, Hawaii in October 2008. See an inspiring ironman video here.


Jeff Winter

Jeff pedaling for wife Cathy, kids Madison, Abby, Case and Cece.



dr tes said...

wow! ka macho ni cousin Jeff. papa material!

ness said...

Hahaha Doc Tes,

Siaw jud ka. Yes, he is indeed "Papa" material - he can baby sit all his kids plus their cousins single handedly!