The Dumaguete boulevard used to be, and still is, a favorite venue for walking, jogging or just sitting around, because of the soothing seabreeze and refreshing wavesplash. It was a cloudy morning so we couldn't actually see the sun rise although it was obviously up because everything became washed with light. Without the lovely sunrise to take a picture of, I took a picture of this instead:
The inscription says:
The Rizal Boulevard was built in 1916 and extends 780 meters long. It was named after Jose Rizal who was said to while away a few hours on this stretch of beach before the boulevard was constructed. The Rizal Boulevard is considered the show window of the city of Dumaguete.
Hey, I didn't know Jose Rizal was ever in Dumaguete! Why didn't they teach us that in high school? Anyway, I will not fret anymore whether he was here or not more than a century ago because this coming Saturday, February 7, Rizal will indeed be here in Dumaguete! Albeit it is just in a play called Batang Rizal, I am so looking forward to this Saturday because I have been hankering for a Filipino play by Filipinos for some time now.
I don't know what the play is all about but Ian does so I copied this, and the ticket image as well, from his weblog.
Pepe and Pepito are both intelligent young boys, of almost the same height and might even be mistaken for each other physically. Of course, one of them is destined to be a national hero and one is… well, one is hiding the national hero’s statue in a storeroom. Pepito is a Grade 6 student of Rizal Elementary School and he accidentally broke the head of the statue of the young Rizal, given to the school by the City Mayor as a gift for the celebration of the Buwan ng Wika. He has a week to return the statue and when he mournfully goes to the storeroom to check on Rizal, he finds himself in Calamba, the hero’s home and surrounded by the Mercado sisters.
The Philippine Educational Theater Association’s BATANG RIZAL takes the audience from the present to the time when Jose Rizal was a boy and then back again with Pepe in tow as the two boys experience life in each other’s time zone in an adventure of a lifetime, discovering that patriotism and heroism can be found even in an ordinary child’s heart.
Written by Christine Bellen and directed by Dudz TeraƱa with music by Vincent A. de Jesus, BATANG RIZAL performs at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium on 7 February 2009 with shows at 3 PM (matinee) and 8 PM (gala).
Tickets Available at P150 and P200 for Matinee; P200, P300, and P500 for Gala
The play should be interesting... And I miss the boulevard. :-)
o, yes, i'm sure it's going to be entertaining!
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